MIT Press-Leonardo Journal of the Art, Sciences and technology, Volume 43/Number 5/2010
MIT Press-Leonardo Journal of the Art, Sciences and technology, Volume 43/Number 5/2010
MIT Press-Leonardo Journal of the Art, Sciences and technology, Volume 43/Number 5/2010
[UN]FINISHED Temporary Office in Athens, 2017
A time lapse always occurs between the event and our thinking
about it. Nothing happens in the present; everything is “always already”
behind us, from the standpoint of time. There is no present tense, and
therefore there approaching
the influence of an intermediary space and the way we perceive. Time
Lapse traces meaning between
spaces considered irrelevant being aware of the two points connected, as one
can trace memory as living in between times.
FLAM festival - Arti et Amicitae - Amsterdam -April 2012
program here
project link:
invitation image to the audience/performers of the work
The event starts by the call to a specified audience. How does the intervention of a social event relate to the structure of a performance set up in a Master of Theater, while the participants are the ones studying and the surrounding pupil? OPERATED attempts to subtract the event from the event while developing it at the same time of staging it, directing it and interacting within its own logic. Where is the tension of the event once the audience can shift their position under a certain system of instructions within the accumulation of viewing?
The Open Air School was first publicly
opened on the 31st of March 1931. Architects of the
‘Dienst Publieke Werken Amsterdam’ designed the
building. The pupils of the school consisted of children
with respiratory problems and the frail in need of rest
and recuperation.
30th June 2013
curated by Sofia Toumboura
Inside the empty political context and conditions remodelling the sense of reality, a continuous temporal sequence of 'ν' hours, addresses the conciliation and parallel relationship of viewer and empty viewer reception as an apparatus space, as a space through indirect view and direct 'reality'.
at VITRINA PROJECT at OpenShowstudio - Αthens
14th December 2012 until 31 January 2013
14/15/16 Δεκεμβρίου
On 3-12 December and within 24 active hours the puzzle group studies how the interaction with space can develop temporal sequence, focusing on the communication and miscommunication path.
The true power of theater is inseparable from the
representation of the power of theater, even if that is
a critical representation. [one less manifesto-Deleuze]
In reference that one perceive
things that are not immediately evident...
the viewer will experience an architectural
representation of the brain scan, via the constant
reconstruction of image and speech
14/15/16 Δεκεμβρίου
Στις 3-12 δεκεμβρίου και μέσα σε 24 ενεργές ώρες η ομάδα puzzle εξετάζει το πώς η αλληλεπίδραση με το χώρο μπορεί να αναπτύξει χρονική ακολουθία, επικεντρώνοντας το ενδιαφέρον στη οδό επικοινωνίας και δυσεπικοινωνίας.
H πραγματική δύναμη του θεάτρου είναι αδιαχώριστη από την αναπαράσταση της εξουσίας του θεάτρου, ακόμη και αν αυτή είναι μία κριτική αναπαρασταση. [ on less manifesto-Deleuze ]
Δεδομένου ότι καθευαυτός αντιλαμβάνεται πράγματα που δεν είναι άμεσα εμφανή... ο θεατής θα βιώνει μια αρχιτεκτονίκη αναπαρασταση της σάρωσης του εγκεφάλου, μέσω της αναδιάρθρωσης της εικόνας όσο και του λόγου
at FROWN TAILS - Athens
with the supports of Trust Fonds by DasArts
_over , installation at DasArts Lab Amsterdam
mentors Rabih Mroue & Lina Majdalanie
PUZZLE-Theatre of Consciousness
critical work published by the peered reviewed journal 'activate' by the Roehampton University in London
direct link here
Q: Mr Aymo-Boot, your designs are often commenting on the ideal of development through architecture. How does the use of projective space give existance to a physical space?
Q: Ms. Lalou, in your work the spectator is invited to enter into an experiment with his or hers mind as the main stage of action. How does the presence of the spectator introduce a mental space to the physical space?
lecture performance
curated by Michelle Williams Gamaker at Gerrit Rietveld Academie
the act of projective architecture at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
curated by Michelle Williams Gamaker
September 2014
[UN]FINISHED by Maria Lalou & Skafte Aymo-Boot at De Gids
a spect
at Onomatopee - Eindhoven
opening 30th May - performance 27th June
residency Making Spaces by MoMart
at MoMart Amsterdam
residency : 21 September -18th October
exhibition: 15-18th October
lecture performance : 18th October at 16:00
more info here
lecture performance 'the act of projective architecture' part of on going project[UN]FINISHED
location: IUAV in Venice
date: 2 November 2015
invited by Laboratorio di Arte I, Professor Enrico De Napoli, Assistant Professor Beatrice Forchini, Faculty of Multimedia Arts, University IUAV of Venice
19th November 2015 / 19:00-22:00
more info here
Book launch and group exhibition opening at 18:00 on 15th January 2016 at Green Park (event page)
¨ΑΓΡΙΑ ΕΝΔΙΑΙΤΗΜΑΤΑ¨ at Green Park - Athens, January 2015
Research residency in Athens with Skafte Aymo-Boot, looking into the 2nd phase of the project [UN]FINISHED, collecting data from numerous un-finished concrete structures in the city of Athens
Project [UN]FINISHED is supported by J.F.Costopoulos Foundation
[UN]FINISHED ...archiving
'the act of projective architecture' in Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, April 2016
curated by Nikos Doulos and Expodium
April 2016
the act of projective architecturelecture-performance in Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella Italy
Invited by Nikos Doulos (Expodium) in the context of UNIDEE-university of ideas during a week of exploration on rather ‘dimmed’ processes of acting on ‘unmaking’; processes deployed in the basis of our every day encounters.
image credits: N.Doulos
The exhibition ‘ARTEFACT’ unfold part of the history of selected buildings from the archive in development of the work [UN]FINISHED, creating links between the exhibition space and the concrete cityscape outside it.
Green Park Athens 15th-20th June 2016
ARTEFACT exhibition at Green Park Athens, June 2016
The Operational Model lecture is an opening to the logic of a system of operations where a viewer becomes an observer, an observation point and again a director of the gaze with a fade out back to the system through direct feedback. The topic at stake is the performance act of ‘the looking’.
28th June 2016 20:00
The Operational Model at Performance Biennale Athens, June 2016
7 -22 October 2017
exhibiton 'ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜΟΣ' curated by Elpida Karaba and Glykeria Stahopoulou 'The Symptom Project' Amfissa-Greece
ANTIMONUMENTS 1964-2013 at Symptom Project-Amfissa, September 2017
exhibition TOURISMOS curated by Glykeria Stathopoulou and Elpida Karaba
'The Camera' - publication 2018
ISCP - Spring Open Studios 2018
[UN]FINISHED walk part of Athens (New) beginnings, March 2018
curated by Studio An Fonteyne - ETH - Zurich
Artist at Work at ISCP -New York, February 2018
curated by Kari Conte
Inches, Feet, Verse, Metre by Ludovica Carbotta & Sara Enrico
Films, audios and texts by Andrea Alis Respino, Belle Bassin, Ludovica Carbotta and Francesca Colussi, Danilo Correale, Teresa Cos, Sara Enrico, Carolina Fusilier, Adelita Husni Bey, Vytautas Jurevicius, Luisa Kasalicky and Siegfried Zaworka, Olli Keränen, Maria Lalou, Jason Loebs, Falk Messerschmidt, Joseph Montgomery, Bridget Moser, Rasmus Nilausen, Luigi Presicce, Leonor Serrano Rivas, Francesco Simeti, Iiu Susiraja, Byron Westbrook
525 West 23rd Street Chelsea NY 10011
Artificial Intelligence (2008) at Marselleria - New York, 2018
Inches, Feet, Verse, Metre curated by Ludovica Carbotta & Sara Enrico
program and details will follow here in short notice
ANTIMONUMENTS 1964-2013 at 'Home Sequence' exhibition Amsterdam
curated by Sascha Pohle and Tao G.Vrhovec Sambolec
Opening - Performance 30th November 2018
doors open 19:00 / performance 19.30
with the kind supports of Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
Camera and The Mirror at Punt-WG Amsterdam, December 2018
The Dialogue, at Greek Film Archives - Athens, December 2019
'the camera' book launched at Greek Film Archives-Athens, 2019
The Dialogue at LIMA-Media Art Platform Amsterdam, March 2020
'cross section archive'
explores the phenomena that occur in the intersection of
cultural production & architecture how facts, political
movements and circumstances have been interfering,
co-producing and directing them
details soon
Maria Lalou with m[i] at DasArts Lab Amsterdam
mentors Rabih Mroue & Lina Majdalanie
20-21 November 2012
Open Lab at DasArts - Amsterdam
Panel discussion
Wednesday, 4rth April 2018
Princeton University School of Architecture
more info here
[UN]FINISHED by Maria Lalou & Skafte Aymo-Boot at Princeton University, April 2018
Catalina Bauer, Elaine Byrne, Sonia Louise Davis, Anne de Vries, Maria Lalou, Antonia Low, Elisabeth Molin, Luisa Kasalicky
Project Space of ISCP-International Studio and Curatorial Program
1040 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY11211
Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm
more info here
Maria Lalou at Leaps and Bounds exhibition
curated by Selby Nimrod and CCS Bard New York
[UN]FINISHED at Athens Review of Books issue January 2018
[theatro] book launch / lecture performance 'theatre of consciousness at Printed Matter-New York , February 2018
followed by a talk with Andrea Liu
Maria Lalou reading on Stephen Willats at Hauser & Wirth Publishers, January 2018
ISCP - Fall Open Studios, New York 2017
'The Dialogue' at Thessaloniki Film Festival-Agora, November 2019
''Can the camera become a tool of resistance to algorithmic governance?''
Interview with Despoina Zefkili for athinorama here
on the occasion of presenting The Dialogue and launching book the camera at Greek Film Archive-Athens
A scored analysis initiated by Lalou looks at our dislocated cinematic reality governed by algorithms in collaboration with; Rachael Rakes : on the relation of between image production and its significance in film/video works in art T.G.V. Sambolec : underlying the idea of presence in the role of the artist and its relation to the art institution T. Zwakhals : on how do institutions archive time based images and negotiating their presence in the network discourse Alena Alexandrova : cognitive theorem of the situation responding to the various formats of discussion
TALK live performance at LIMA-Media Art Platform Amsterdam, March 2020
Maria Lalou along with Alena Alexandrova, Rachael Rakes, Tao G.Vrhovec Sambolec, Theus Zwakhals
the camera , published by DOLCE publications Athens
Camera and The Mirror at Vilem Flusser Archive-Berlin, June 2020
Participation at Conference Vilem Flusser and His Languages,
conference: Virtual Presence-video essay performance& live talk 28-29 June 2020
virtual exhibition: Camera and The Mirror (screening)
supported by Mondriaan Fonds
details soon...
I AM A 'Φ' performance based on book [theatro] by Maria Lalou, 2013
I AM A 'Φ'
By multiple times removing the experience of a rather significant original experience I AM A 'Φ' is a performance attempting to produce imagination of an existential state via its constant tension and repentance. Intention becomes tension and again intention. How does the platonic ideal, enhance the forth side of imagination? A piece that comes as the 5th circle of research based on the initial work of Maria Lalou - PUZZLE produced and performed at FROWN Athens on December 2012.
performance by Maria Lalou with Tania Theodorou
at 10.00 in Toubab space ground floor (circa 40 min)
short clip:
_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ [UN]FINISHED has as protagonist the architectural archetype of the unfinished concrete building found everywhere in the Athens cityscape. These structures are exposing the concrete skeleton hidden under the facade finishes of the buildings composing the cityscape. They are signs of invisible financial and political structures defining the physical appearance of the city. With its character of a ruin of a forgotten purpose the unfinished building is at the same time pointing to the past and to the future. A frozen moment of time decaying ever since volume reached that concrete state. Within the context of ReMap4 _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ [UN]FINISHED addresses the inaccessibility, the potential of the unused space, and the relation of private and public.
more info here
book launch of book [theatro] at San Serriffe Amsterdam
lecture performance 'theatre of consciousness'
9 July 2015
info here
500 copies
published by Onomatopee
available at
and here!
3-4 March 2017
curated by A. Karatzogianni, D. Panagiotopoulou, A. Fermont
The Operational Model at JUNGE festival in Leicester University
curated by Athina Karatzoyianni, Despoina Panayiotopoulou & Andrew Fremont Smith